
International Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Centre


CST Training in India

Training events

None currently scheduled. Please check back soon.



Dr. Sridhar Vaitheswaran, MD, MRCPsych. Assistant Director & Consultant Psychiatrist, Dementia Care in SCARF (DEMCARES), Schizophrenia Research Foundation (India) – SCARF, Chennai, India.

Sridhar Vaitheswaran image
Sridhar is a clinician with interest in applied research in dementia in low- and middle-income country settings. He runs a clinic for elderly with mental illness including dementia in SCARF hospital, Chennai. Sridhar and his team have adapted CST for India, and they deliver CST as a clinical service at our centre. They also train facilitators for CST and thus far have trained over 50 service providers in India. With the restrictions in delivering in-person group interventions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the team are currently testing the feasibility of delivering CST virtually in Chennai.

Email: sridhar.v@scarfindia.org
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