

Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Professor Marco Palacios

Professor Palacios was a Visiting Researcher at the IAS in 2020.

Marco Palacios is a Lawyer from the Universidad Libre de Colombia, Bogot谩. In 1978, he received a DPhil from Oxford University with a thesis published in 1980 by Cambridge University Press with the title of Coffee in Colombia, 1850-1970. An Economic, Social and Political History, reprinted in 2002.

Currently he is Professor of the Centro de Estudios Hist贸ricos at El Colegio de M茅xico. He directs courses, seminars and doctoral theses on topics such as public violence, entrepreneurship, drug trafficking, national state, or national-populism, mainly in Latin America. He is a Regular Member of the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias e Investigador del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de M茅xico, SNI. In 2016 COLCIENCIAS gave him the recognition of Emeritus Researcher of Colombia.

Professor Palacios has been Research Fellow at the Institute of Latin American Studies of the University of London (1977-78) and Visiting Professor at the Universities of Tsukuba (1980) Chicago, (1990) Duke (1991-92) and Universidad Aut贸noma de Barcelona (1992 -94); He was a Senior Associated Member of St. Antony's College, Oxford, in the early 1990s.

In Colombia he has been a professor at the Universidad Javeriana, Universidad de los Andes, and Universidad Nacional de Colombia, of which he was Rector in two periods (1984-88 and 2003-2005).

Professor Palacios has published extensively. His recent books include: The Colombia Reader, History, Culture, Politics., Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2017; (Editor with Ann Fansworth-Alvear and Ana Mar铆a G贸mez L贸pez). Violencia p煤blica en Colombia, 1958-2010. FCE, Bogot谩, 2012. 驴De qui茅n es la tierra? Propiedad, politizaci贸n y protesta campesina en la d茅cada de 1930, FCE-Universidad de los Andes, Bogot谩, 2011. Populistas: el poder de las palabras. Estudios de pol铆tica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogot谩, 2011. The 4th edition, corrected and updated, of El caf茅 en Colombia 1850-1970, was published in 2009 by El Colegio de M茅xico. He has been editor of various works of Latin American history, such as Negocios, empresarios y entornos pol铆ticos en Mexico, 1827-1958. El Colegio de M茅xico, M茅xico, 2015. Historia General de Am茅rica Latina, De 1930 al presente. Vol. VIII. UNESCO-Trotta, Madrid, 2008 and Las Independencias Hispanoamericanas. Interpretaciones 100 a帽os despu茅s, Norma, Bogot谩, 2009.

Some of his works have also been published in English: Between Legitimacy and Violence. A History of Colombia, 1875-2002, Duke University Press, Durham, N.C., 2006. 'Knowledge is Power: The Case of Colombian Economists', in Economic Doctrines in Latin America. V. Fitzgerald and R. Thorp (Eds.) Palgrave/Macmillan, St. Antony's Series, London, 2005. With Christopher Abel he is co-author of 'Colombia, 1930-1958' and 'Colombia since 1958' in The Cambridge History of Latin America, Vol. VI, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1991 and with Frank R. Safford of Colombia. Fragmented Land, Divided Society, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.

His author books published before 2012 are freely available on the Luis 脕ngel Arango Library Web at the following link:

Summary of IAS Project

Based on his own research, during his one year stay at IAS, Professor Palacios aims to foster permanent dialogues with colleagues and students interested in the history and historiography of cities in the broadest sense of the term, chiefly from the 香港六合彩中特网: the IAS; the Bartlett Development Planning Unit; and the Department of History. Professor Palacios will also take part in the regular activities of the IAS and will deliver a Talking Point Seminar on 'Populism and Violence in Bogot谩 during the second half of the 20th Century'.

From actively participating in academic activities such as these, Professor Palacios hopes to make substantial progress in the book on the history of Bogot谩 from the 16th century to the present and from a World History perspective, in which he has been working for several years now.