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Notes on papers to [Committee Name] If the paper is longer than five A4 sides, authors are asked to provide an executive summary highlighting the key issues/points of interest and any recommended action. Authors are encouraged to consider supplying any detailed or lengthy supporting data in appendices to the paper, rather than the paper itself. Where the paper is part of a major discussion item at [Committee Name], it should be designed to prompt that discussion. All papers should include at least the following sections: Introduction and background This should explain the purpose and context for the paper, including any relevant prior consideration that may have taken place. Discussion items/issues for [Committee Name] to consider This section(s) should be succinct and highlight the key points of discussion. Where the paper is a report from a School or Vice-Provost, it should address the challenges, not just report on good news. Where applicable, authors are encouraged to highlight the relevance of the material to the ϲ2034 Strategy and/or key risks on the Risk Register. Recommended action This should be a clear statement of what [Committee Name] is being asked to do. It should be consistent with the summary information provided in the introductory box. [Header information (ie the paper number) will be added by the Secretary when the paper is submitted.]     [Committee Name] date Paper x-xx "2345JK^bsg[sOsF=h%6CJ^Jhw6CJ^Jh:IhW6CJ^Jh:Ih5CJ^Jh:Ihw5CJ^Jh:Ihw6CJ^Jh:Ih6CJ^Jh:Ih2j6CJ^Jh:Ihx6CJ^Jh:Ih2j5CJ^J h:I5^Jh@?h2j5^Jh;h2j5CJaJhx5CJaJh2j5CJaJhw5CJaJ h2j5CJh2jjh2jUmHnHu"345K&$d%d&d'dNOPQgdw&$d%d&d'dNOPQgdgd  * gd$a$gd      - 6 8 9 : d e p x y ¶””~ri]]UMU]Uh:ICJ^JhlCJ^Jhlhl5CJ^Jh%6CJ^Jh:Ih:I6CJ^Jh:IhwCJ^Jh:Ih:ICJ^Jh:Ih:I5CJ^Jh.hlCJ^Jh%h%CJ^Jh%h%5CJ^Jh%5CJ^Jh.hrCJ^Jh%hrCJ^Jh%hr5CJ^Jhr5CJ^Jhr6CJ^J  8 : e C D i &$d%d&d'dNOPQgd&$d%d&d'dNOPQgdw&$d%d&d'dNOPQgdr B C D W g h i p # & E R ǻ{qg]qSIISh:Ih=6CJh:Ih6CJh:Ih5CJh:Ihx5CJh:Ih2j5CJh:Ihw6CJh:Ih2j6CJh:Ihx6CJh:Ih 6CJh:Ih&5CJ^Jh:IhZ5CJ^Jh:Ih2j5CJ^Jh:Ih%CJ^Jh.hl6CJ^Jh.6CJ^Jh.h.5CJ^Jhlhl6CJ^Ji ] ^ _ 7 8 s t K @&^gdpb h@&gdpb h$@&^`$gdpbgdw&$d%d&d'dNOPQgdR S \ ] ^ _ + P Y  8 R [ q r s t .>JͿ{o{f{hZ5mH sH hl{hpb5mH sH hpb5mH sH hpb5CJmH sH hZ6mH sH hpb6mH sH h=6mH sH hK6mH sH h<hpb6mH sH hl{hpb5CJmH sH hZ5CJmH sH h:I h2j5h:Ih2j6CJh:Ihx6CJh:Ih76CJ(JK+3DPSmghijkꨠ}yrk h2j5CJ hZ5CJh7rhwVh5sjh5sUh hpbmH sH hwVmH sH htAmH sH hwV6mH sH hzhpb6mH sH h2T6mH sH hZ6mH sH hpb5mH sH hK6mH sH h=6mH sH hpb6mH sH hzhpb5mH sH )Khij $-]-a$gd$a$gdwV@&gdx h$@&^`$gdpb @&gdpbh hpbmH sH h5sh2jhCQAh2j5CJ h2j5CJ hx5CJ h 5CJ @&gdxC 0P&P 1h:pwV. 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