
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Handbook of Life Course Occupational Health

20 June 2023

New handbook provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in research on the relationship between working lives and health.

Inactive adult

A , with key contributions from members and associates of ICLS, examines recent developments in research on the relationship between work and health and considers the policy implications of these developments.

The handbook, published by Springer, reveals the impact of far-reaching changes in the world of work, exploring areas such as increased flexibility, the precarious nature of some jobs, and the far-reaching implications for work and people of technological innovation. It also offers a range of key new insights into the recent theoretical and methodological developments seeking to address these challenges.

Topics covered in the handbook include:

  • early life influences on (un)healthy work
  • chronic exposure to occupational risks
  • nonstandard employment and poor health
  • work continuation with chronic disease
  • occupational determinants of healthy aging

The handbook has been produced by a distinguished editorial team, including ICLS co-Director Tarani Chandola and associate Morten Wahrendorf. Other ICLS contributions come from David Blane, Mel Bartley, Anne McMunn, Gill Weston and Baowen Xue.

Commenting on the publication of the handbook, Tarani, said:

We are delighted to publish this incredibly timely handbook, which demonstrates the latest trends, thinking and evidence on how our working lives interact positively and negatively with our health from when we first enter work to when we leave it and beyond. All this is considered alongside other key factors such as gender, age, periods in time and the rapid technological developments and changes in many induustries.

Although the book will be of use to researchers and students interested to get to grips with the latest evidence in this area, it has also been written with a non specialist audience in mind.Â