
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Knock off Wednesday: working 3-day week is best for overs-40s

2 December 2016

Whitehall II findings were cited in a Times article reporting on the benefits of a three-day week for the over-40s. 


The article, which was reporting the results of an Australian survey of 6,500 participants, referred to Whitehall II data analysis which found that those who worked up to 55 hours a week did worse in a series of cognitive tests than those who generally kept to 40 hours at most.   

. Virtanen M, Singh-Manoux A, Ferrie JE, Gimeno D, Marmot MG, Elovainio M, Jokela M, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 Mar 1;169(5):596-605. 

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