

English Spelling & Punctuation

Available for: iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The Android version is coming soon.

Welcome to the support page for ESP.

English Spelling & Punctuation (ESP) is a complete approach to improving your spelling and punctuation. The spelling section includes exercises to help you practise the 200 most commonly misspelled English words, and an in-app add-on will be available to help you practice nearly 1,000 more commonly misspelled words.

ESP also includes a guide to precise punctuation that everyone can master (acknowledging that editorial standards vary).

ESP includes:

  • Interactive exercises that help you practice regular and irregular spelling
  • A self-learning course on punctuation standards used in a range of contexts, including academic writing.
  • An extensive glossary of important terms

If you have any problems installing or running the ESP App please let us know.

Email us by clicking on the Contact Us! button.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • ESP does not start up / crashes / stops. What should I do?
  • Please Contact Us! so we can try to find out what has gone wrong. Tell us what you were doing when it appeared to go wrong. We may contact you for more information.
  • ESP is for iOS 6.0 and above, and has been tested by us on the following devices: iPod Touch 4, iPhone 4, 5 and iPad 1, 2 and 3, and has been reviewed by Apple.
  • Does ESP access the internet?
  • No. Once ESP is downloaded it makes no demands on your internet connection. See also our privacy policy.
  • Does ESP make any other technical demands on the device?
  • No. With the obvious exceptions of sound, vision, orientation and vibration, ESP does not access the device hardware.
  • Why is ESP given away free?
  • ESP was developed as part of a Teaching Innovations Project at 香港六合彩中特网. Universities find that students who arrive often struggle to spell and punctuate correctly. So we want to help our students improve!


  • Who is ESP designed for?
  • ESP is designed for adults and older children who struggle to perfect their spelling. It is for native and non-native speakers of English. You can practice British English spelling, American English spelling, or both.
  • How is ESP used?
  • It contains two brief courses, one in spelling and one in punctuation, which you can follow from start to finish.
  • ESP includes many interactive exercises that you can use to review what you've learned, but most importantly, to practice your spelling of irregular English words.
  • How does Spelling Practice work?
  • Words are presented in sets of five naturally-occurring sentences, each within 25-word batches. You can complete a particular batch, and move on. Each test word is presented with some letters missing: the letters that most people have difficulty with. Your task is to complete the spelling of the word.
  • The app records your progress with every word. Words that are spelled correctly a number of times (at a minimum: twice, but some words are tougher) are marked as 'complete', and the app does not offer them to you again. ESP is designed to help you concentrate on the words that you find difficult to spell.
  • After each set of four exercises (100 words), you can see your progress on those words in a Progress Report. You can restore words, individually or in whole exercise batches, to practise them again.

Contact Us!

This page last modified 14 May, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.