
The Constitution Unit


Should Anglican Bishops still have seats in the House of Lords?

14 February 2012

House of Lords

Dr Meg Russell's appeared on Radio 4's Beyond Belief, on a panel discussing whether Anglican Bishops should remain in the House of Lords. Listen to the programme:


The government's recent proposal to cap welfare benefits at £26,000 a year received a setback when an amendment to exclude child benefit from the cap was passed in the House of Lords. The amendment was proposed by the Bishop of Ripon and Leeds and supported by four other Bishops. The Bishops' action has added fuel to the debate about whether Anglican Bishops should still have a statutory right to seats in the Upper Chamber. When less than 2% of the population attends an Anglican Church on a Sunday, why should 26 of its clergy exercise any influence on the deliberations of the Upper House of Parliament?

Further information:

Meg Russell's research project on the House of Lords