ࡱ> npme bjbj 4 abab A 8$%8L( %%%%%%%$(*V*% *%?%!!! %! %!!:b$,$@泍o!L$$U%0%$ +!@+$$+$,! *%*%! % + B `: Appendix 1: Statement involving the substitution error by coal mining companies and government FAO: Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng, Minister of State at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Rt Hon Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Minister for Energy, Environment and Rural Affairs Rt Hon Robert Jenrick, Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government. RE: The implications of new UK coal mines for greenhouse gas emissions 1. Coal Mining Companies and the substitution error Proponents of the substitution error include West Cumbria Mining and Banks Group between whom there are two active applications to open new coal mines in the UK: Dewley Hill, Newcastle (Banks Group), Woodhouse Colliery (West Cumbria Mining). Examples of the use of the substitution error by these companies include: This substitution of imported coal, will result in significant carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions savings from the shipping that is currently associated with long distance imports to the UK and rest of Europe. West Cumbria Mining, Planning Statement, Woodhouse Colliery 2020 p2 The calculations do not include the end use of the minerals [coal and fireclay] as it is assumed that they would be used (with similar or possibly greater emissions) in a do-nothing scenario (without the proposed developments) Banks Group, Dewley Hill Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Feb 2019 (Wardell Armstrong) 2.5.1 "...If that need [for coal] is met by UK businesses, then that's far better for the environment than importing it from abroad." Banks Group,  HYPERLINK "https://news.sky.com/story/government-failing-to-show-leadership-over-plans-for-new-coal-mines-11939748" \n _blankSky News re Druridge Bay decision Feb 2020 2. Planning Authorities & the substitution error Durham County Council's Planning Inspector accepted the substitution error when recommending approval of the Bradley West opencast coal mine proposal. They claimed that the mine would provide 'carbon savings', a conclusion founded on the substitution error. Cumbria County Council made the decision to disregard the end-use combustion emissions from a 50-year coal mine in its decision-making, based on an uncritical adoption of the substitution error, and concluded the proposal was 'very likely to be carbon neutral' and as such, approved this project (which is now under review again). 3. Government Ministers & the substitution error Obviously, from a coal and carbon emissions reduction point of view, it makes sense to have a locally based coal source rather than shipping it in a very costly way halfway around the world. Rt Hon. Kwasi Kwarteng, Energy Minister,  HYPERLINK "https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/38268926-C6A9-4229-B398-2538A6CE80B5/UKExportFinanceCoal?highlight=coal" \l "contribution-AC587BC3-D54C-4E44-BEF8-4FA56512B9D5" \n _blankPar HYPERLINK "https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/38268926-C6A9-4229-B398-2538A6CE80B5/UKExportFinanceCoal?highlight=coal" \l "contribution-AC587BC3-D54C-4E44-BEF8-4FA56512B9D5" \n _blankl HYPERLINK "https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/38268926-C6A9-4229-B398-2538A6CE80B5/UKExportFinanceCoal?highlight=coal" \l "contribution-AC587BC3-D54C-4E44-BEF8-4FA56512B9D5" \n _blankiamentary Hansard March 3, 2020 The impact on climate change [of the Highthorn proposal] is neutral - Rt Hon. Robert Jenrick, Highthorn Determination para 65 September 8, 2020  Officer's Report:  HYPERLINK "https://democracy.durham.gov.uk/documents/s123786/Bradley report FINAL.pdf" \n _blankDM/19/03567/MIN and DM/19/03569/VOCMW - Land to the west of Bradley Surface Mine, Leadgate, Consett, DH8 6RS  Cumbria County Council Officer's Report Whitehaven Coking Coal mine October 2019 at 4.6   HYPERLINK "https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/CE3C1497-C9DA-4D1C-A3B2-5BC3F069DB6A/OralAnswersToQuestions"https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/CE3C1497-C9DA-4D1C-A3B2-5BC3F069DB6A/OralAnswersToQuestions     fn ,  :<nYZ()*-/нᖂnncjAh+PPU'h+PP0J,B*CJOJQJ^JaJph'jh+PP0J.CJOJQJU^JaJh+PP0J(CJOJQJ^JaJjh+PPUh+PPjh+PPU$h+PP0J(6CJOJQJ]^JaJ h+PP6CJOJQJ]^JaJh+PPCJOJQJ^JaJ h+PP5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#bg o p + , @ A % { | $h^ha$$^a$^;<o0;p9$a$^$ & Fa$^nopqPQR커ՖՋՖՖzjh+PPU h+PP0J*jh+PPUjh+PP0J-OJQJU-jh+PP0J.6CJOJQJU]^JaJh+PP6CJOJQJ^JaJjh+PPUh+PP$h+PP0J(6CJOJQJ]^JaJjh+PPUjh+PPU+20p1X. A!n"n#n$n% ADyK yK https://news.sky.com/story/government-failing-to-show-leadership-over-plans-for-new-coal-mines-11939748DyK  yK https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/38268926-C6A9-4229-B398-2538A6CE80B5/UKExportFinanceCoal?highlight=coal2contribution-AC587BC3-D54C-4E44-BEF8-4FA56512B9D5DyK  yK https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/38268926-C6A9-4229-B398-2538A6CE80B5/UKExportFinanceCoal?highlight=coal2contribution-AC587BC3-D54C-4E44-BEF8-4FA56512B9D5DyK  yK https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/38268926-C6A9-4229-B398-2538A6CE80B5/UKExportFinanceCoal?highlight=coal2contribution-AC587BC3-D54C-4E44-BEF8-4FA56512B9D5DyK yK https://democracy.durham.gov.uk/documents/s123786/Bradley%20report%20FINAL.pdf[DyK yK https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/CE3C1497-C9DA-4D1C-A3B2-5BC3F069DB6A/OralAnswersToQuestions:s666666666vvvvvvvvv66666686666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666p62&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH R`R Normal*$1$$CJKHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9DA D Default Paragraph FontViV 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List 6/6 WW8Num1z0 OJQJ^J6/6 WW8Num2z0 OJQJ^J6/6 WW8Num3z0 OJQJ^J*/!* WW8Num4z0*/1* WW8Num4z1*/A* WW8Num4z2*/Q* WW8Num4z3*/a* WW8Num4z4*/q* WW8Num4z5*/* WW8Num4z6*/* WW8Num4z7*/* WW8Num4z8>/> WW8Num5z0OJPJQJ^Jo(:/: WW8Num5z1OJQJ^Jo(:/: WW8Num5z2OJQJ^Jo(:/: WW8Num5z3OJQJ^Jo(>/> WW8Num6z0OJPJQJ^Jo(:/: WW8Num6z1OJQJ^Jo(:/: WW8Num6z2OJQJ^Jo(:/!: WW8Num6z3OJQJ^Jo(>/1> WW8Num7z0OJPJQJ^Jo(:/A: WW8Num7z1OJQJ^Jo(:/Q: WW8Num7z2OJQJ^Jo(:/a: WW8Num7z3OJQJ^Jo(DA qD Default Paragraph FontJoJ WW-Default Paragraph FontJ/J WW-Footnote ReferenceCJEHFU`F Hyperlink>*B* _HmHphsHtHFV F FollowedHyperlink >*B* ph.X`. 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U4  d.SimSun------- ---- ---- @"Calibri--------------- 2 ZLacAppendix 1: Statement involving the substitution error by coal mining companies and government     ---  2 Zc  SimSun---@"Calibri------------ 2 kLcFAO: ---  2 khc  ------------ 2 }LfcRt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng, Minister of State at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy      ---  2 }c  ------------------ V2 L2cRt Hon Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Minister for Energy    --- :2 rc, Environment and Rural Affairs  ---  2 +c  --------- 2 LNcRt Hon Robert Jenrick, Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government.      ---  2 4c  ---  2 Lc  --------- t2 LFcRE: The implications of new UK coal mines for greenhouse gas emissions     ---  2 c  ---  2 Lc  --------- [2 L5c1. Coal Mining Companies and the substitution error  ---  2 c  --------------- &2 LcProponents of the --- 2 Rcsubstitution error include West Cumbria Mining and Banks Group between whom there         --------- g2 L=care two active applications to open new coal mines in the UK:    ---  2 c  --------- 2 LOcDewley Hill, Newcastle (Banks Group), Woodhouse Colliery (West Cumbria Mining).          ---  2 >c  ---  2 0Lc  ------------ :2 BLcExamples of the use of the subs --- J2 B *ctitution error by these companies include: ---  2 Bc  ---  2 TLc  SimSun---@"Calibri------------------------  2 f{c--- 2 ffcThis substitution of imported coal, will result in significant carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions savings      --------- 2 x{`cfrom the shipping that is currently associated with long distance imports to the UK and rest of      --------- 2 {cEurope.---  2 c  ------------------------ 2 "cWest ---  2 @c --- h2 C>cCumbria Mining, Planning Statement, Woodhouse Colliery 2020 p2    ---  2 c  ---  2 {c  ---------------  2 {c--- 2 fcThe calculations do not include the end use of the minerals [coal and fireclay] as it is assumed that    --------------------------------- v2 {Gcthey would be used (with similar or possibly greater emissions) in a do    ---  2 c---- #2 cnothing scenario---  2 c --- 2  c(without the   ------ ,2 {cproposed developments) ---  2 c  --------- 2 UcBanks Group, Dewley Hill Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Feb 2019 (Wardell Armstrong) 2.5.1          ---  2 c  ---  2 {c  --------- 2 {ec"...If that need [for coal] is met by UK businesses, then that's far better for the environment than     ------ 22 +{cimporting it from abroad."  ---  2 +c  --------------------------------- 2 =zcBank--- 2 = cs Group,  --- 2 =cSky News  ---  2 =c --- =2 =!cre Druridge Bay decision Feb 2020 ---  2 =c  ---  2 OLc  --------- V2 aL2c2. Planning Authorities & the substitution error  ---  2 auc  --------------- ,2 sLcDurham County Council'  --- 2 sPcs Planning Inspector accepted the substitution error when recommending approval    --------- 2 Lbcof the Bradley West opencast coal mine proposal. They claimed that the mine would provide 'carbon       SimSun---@"Calibri------------------ a2 L9csavings', a conclusion founded on the substitution error. ---c--- 2 1'---  2 c ---  2 c  ---  2 Lc  --------------------------------------- %2 LcCumbria County Co --- M2 ,cuncil made the decision to disregard the end ---  2 c---- >2 "cuse combustion emissions from a 50   ---  2 c---- 2 cyear  ------------------ 12 Lccoal mine in its decision ---  2 c---- 2 Qcmaking, based on an uncritical adoption of the substitution error, and concluded  --------------------------- X2 L3cthe proposal was 'very likely to be carbon neutral'  ---c--- 2 v2'---  2 {c --- 2 } cand as such--- M2 ,c, approved this project (which is now under    ------  2 Lcreview again). ---  2 c  ---  2 Lc  --------- V2 L2c3. Government Ministers & the substitution error    ---  2 c  ------------------------------  2 &{c--- &2 &cObviously, from a  --- 2 &ccoal---  2 &c --- v2 &Gcand carbon emissions reduction point of view, it makes sense to have a     ------------------------------  2 8{clocally based --- 2 8ccoal---  2 8c --- :2 8csource rather than shipping it --- R2 8/cin a very costly way halfway around the world.   ---  2 8c  SimSun---@"Calibri- - - - - - - - - @"Arial- - - SimSun- - - @"Calibri- - - - - - ------------------------------- - - @Times New Roman- - - - - -   2 Kc-- - -   2 Kc --- I2 K)cRt Hon. Kwasi Kwarteng, Energy Minister,     --- 2 KcPar---  2 Kcl--- 12 Kciamentary Hansard March 3   --- 2 Kc, 2020 - - - c- - - 2 F3'- - -   2 Kc  c''- - -   2 ]{c  ------------------------  2 o{c--- 2 o cThe impact ---  2 oc --- a2 o9con climate change [of the Highthorn proposal] is neutral  ---  2 oc  ---------------------------  2 c ---  2 c----  2 c --- y2 IcRt Hon. Robert Jenrick, Highthorn Determination para 65 September 8, 2020     - - -   2 wc   - - - cC2 L( 2  '- - -   2  c @Times New Roman---- @ !L- SimSun---@"Calibri------@Times New Roman------------------------------------------ ---c--- 2 L1'---  2 Sc ---  2 _c --- &2 bcOfficer's Report: --- D2 &cDM/19/03567/MIN and DM/19/03569/VOCMW      ---  2 c----  2 c --- J2 *cLand to the west of Bradley Surface Mine,   @Times New Roman---- @ !- --------- 22 _cLeadgate, Consett, DH8 6RS ---  2 c - @ !_- --------------- ---c--- 2 L2'---  2 Sc ---  2 _c --- 2 bWcCumbria County Council Officer's Report Whitehaven Coking Coal mine October 2019 at 4.6     ---  2 Vc  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---c--- 2 L3'---  2 Sc ---  2 _c --- J2 b*chttps://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020  ---  2 Sc---- 2 Wc03---  2 dc---- (2 ic03/debates/CE3C1497 ---  2 c---- 2 cC9DA  ---  2 c---- 2  c4D1C ---  2 ,c---- 2 0cA3B2  ---  2 Pc-- @ !b- ------------ @2 _#c5BC3F069DB6A/OralAnswersToQuestions      ---  2 Hc ---  2 Mc - @ !_-  "SystemL@p ##--ccbbaa ՜.+,D՜.+,, hp|     Title  8@ _PID_HLINKSA$T https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/38268926-C6A9-4229-B398-2538A6CE80B5/UKExportFinanceCoal?highlight=coal2contribution-AC587BC3-D54C-4E44-BEF8-4FA56512B9D5Thttps://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/38268926-C6A9-4229-B398-2538A6CE80B5/UKExportFinanceCoal?highlight=coal2contribution-AC587BC3-D54C-4E44-BEF8-4FA56512B9D5Thttps://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/38268926-C6A9-4229-B398-2538A6CE80B5/UKExportFinanceCoal?highlight=coal2contribution-AC587BC3-D54C-4E44-BEF8-4FA56512B9D5f$hhttps://news.sky.com/story/government-failing-to-show-leadership-over-plans-for-new-coal-mines-11939748 uhttps://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-03-03/debates/CE3C1497-C9DA-4D1C-A3B2-5BC3F069DB6A/OralAnswersToQuestionsuvOhttps://democracy.durham.gov.uk/documents/s123786/Bradley%20report%20FINAL.pdf  !"#$%&'()*+,-.0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdfghijkloRoot Entry Fw泍qData 1Table3+WordDocument4 SummaryInformation(/|jDocumentSummaryInformation8eCompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q