
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Jing Zhang

Jing is a partial recipient of the DPU60 PhD scholarship.


Key Topics: foreign direct investment, industrialisation, knowledge, capacity building

Prior to commencing her PhD, Jing has worked as a research fellow at China Development Research Foundation (CDRF) affiliated to Development Research Centre of State Council, P.R. China. Her previous research experiences covered a wide range of development and policy issues pertaining to China’s urban poverty, female entrepreneurship, rural land reform, and community governance.

Motivated by years of project collaboration experiences between China and various international organizations & multinational corporations such as OECD, Goldman Sachs and Ford Foundation, she began to be passionate about the changing role of China in the globalization and its implication for bringing about another model and re-opening development debate. Currently, her PhD project aims to investigate the effects of China’s increased engagements in Africa. Especially, how China’s FDI affect the local industrial development of Ethiopia through Special Economic Zone. She endeavors to utilize the details of local manufacturing practices for better understanding her bigger question.

Jing held a master degree in Urban Development Planning from the DPU and a bachelor degree in Public Policy from University of Electronic Science &Technology of China.

She is very interested in food, art and documentary.

Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese