
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


The latest DPU summerLab series pamphlet from 2018 and 2019 is launched

19 December 2019

The DPU summerLab team is excited to announce the launch of the latest DPU summerLab series pamphlet. The pamphlet, edited by Giorgio Talocci and Camillo Boano, comprises a retrospective on the 2018 series and a summary of the 2019 series.

summerLab pamphlet

The pamphlet includes works and reflections from a multiplicity of contexts – Amman, Athens, Bar Elias, Chengdu, Hargeysa, London.

It features a series of interviews with local partners discussing challenges, agency and afterlives of the workshops, in so so doing attempting to question and stress the longitudinal attitude and character of the programme, and the way it develops in collaboration with the intelligences of urban territories – be these community-based groups, cultural associations, research groups, non-govenrmental organisations, local authorities, professionals of the built environment.

The pamphlet includes also short reflective essays by the workshops’ participants, photo-essays on each city’s contested urbanisms, and a a ‘special insert’, outcome of our collaboration with the School of Architecture + Community Design of the University of South Florida – for which we fondly thank Faculty and Research Associate Josue Robles Caraballo.

We wish to share our deepest appreciation also to all the local facilitators, partners and participants in the initiative, which we thank extensively at page 2 of the pamphlet. Special thanks to the RELIEF Centre for sponsoring the workshop in Bar Elias, and to the Redsea Cultural Foundation for sponsoring the workshop in Hargeysa. Thanks to Studio-X Amman: thanks Jawad Dukhgan, Nadine Fattaleh, and to Nora Akawi. Thanks to the team at Catalytic Action for their amazing work in Bar Elias: thanks Joana Dabaj and Riccardo Conti. Thanks to Stefania Gyftopoulou and Panagiotis Tzannetakis for sharing their local expertise and critical insights on Athens with us. Thanks to the team at Urban Synthesis Ltd. for welcoming us in Chengdu and facilitating our first ever summerLab workshop in China: thanks Andrew Hilton, Luo Yi, Wang Ruo Chan, Yi Ning. And to DPU Professor Michael Walls for his enthusiasm in proposing and crafting the programme of the workshop in Hargeysa, for which we thank also the Institute for Research, Heritage Preservation and Development (IRHPD), the Redsea Cultural Foundation and all the individuals at the Hargeysa Cultural Centre – our deepest thanks go to Jama Musse Jama and Tirsit Yetbarek. Thanks for Kay Pallaris and Stephen Kenny for their cheerful enthusiasm and kind patience in organising the London 2018 workshop, and to David McEwen (Unit 38) for the great experience we had in Seven Sisters (Tottenham, London) in September 2019.

Thanks to all the DPU staff for the support, especially to Azadeh Mashayekhi for the effort and commitment in the co-coordination and administration of both 2018 and 2019 series, and for facilitating the workshop in Amman. Thanks to Giovanna Astolfo and Marisol Garcia Gonzalez for facilitating the workshops in Athens.

The pamphlet is available for download here (link) in PDF format.