
The Bartlett School of Architecture


2002 publications

Eleni, P; Thum, R; Turner, A; (2002) In: Soddu, C, (ed.) (Proceedings) Proceedings of Generative Art 2002. (pp. 23.1 - 23.13). Politecnico di Milano: Italy.
Hanson, J; (2002) In: Sumner, K, (ed.) Our homes, our lives: choice in later life living arrangements. (165 - 185). CPA Publications: London, UK.
Hanson, J; (2002) In: (Proceedings) Developing and Delivering Quality Services for Frail, Older, Blind and Partially Sighted People, RNIB International Conference, Eastbourne.
Hanson, J; (2002) In: Maltby, T and Littlechild, R and La Fontaine, J and Hunter, S and Brannelly, P, (eds.) (Proceedings) Active Ageing: myth or reality, Proceedings of the British Society of Gerontology 31st Annual Conference. (pp. 143 - 145).
Hanson, J; Johnson, M; Percival, J; Zako, R; (2002) Thomas Pocklington Trust: Chiswick, London.
Hillier, B; (2002) Urban Design International , 7 (3/4) 153 - 179. .
Hillier, B; Netto, V; (2002) Urban Design International , 7 (3/4) 181 - 203. .
Karimi, K; (2002) In: (Proceedings) The First International Conference on Conservation and Regeneration of Traditional Urban Centres in the Islamic World.
Karimi, K; (2002) Built Environment , 28 (3)
Karimi, K; (2002) In: (Proceedings) The 5th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association.
Penn, A; Turner, A; (2002) In: (Proceedings) Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association (UPE5).
Penn, Alan; Turner, Alasdair; (2002) In: Schreckenberg, Michael and Sharma, Som Deo, (eds.) Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. (pp. 99-114). Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Germany.
Steadman, P; Hillier, B; (2002) Architectural Research Quarterly , 6 (3) 203 - 207.
Turner, A; (2002) In: Soddu, C, (ed.) (Proceedings) Proceedings of Generative Art 2002. (pp. 38.1 - 38.8). Politecnico di Milano: Italy.
Turner, A; (2002) JASSS-J ARTIF SOC S , 5 (2) ? - ?.
Turner, A; Penn, A; (2002) ENVIRON PLANN B , 29 (4) 473 - 490. .
Vaughan, L; (2002) In: (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Planning History Society, Westminster University, London. : London.
Zako, R.; (2002) In: Maltby, T. and Littlechild, R. and La Fontaine, J. and Hunter, S. and Brannelly, P., (eds.) Proceedings of the British Society of Gerontology 31st Annual Conference. Active Ageing: Myth or Reality? 12th - 14th September 2002, University of Birmingham. (pp. 51-53). University of Birmingham: Birmingham.