
The Bartlett School of Architecture


ScanLAB release new Bartlett Summer Show Digital Exhibition Apps

26 February 2014

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ScanLAB Projects have created four new apps for iPad documenting the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Bartlett Summer Shows. The interactive apps, powered by The Bartlett's 3D scanning technology, allow you to explore the show, enjoying the work long after the exhibition has closed. 

The summer exhibitions are scanned annually by former Bartlett School of Architecture students and  founders, Matthew Shaw and William Trossell. The 3D scanning technology enables the duo to capture a cloud of over a billion precisely measured points which they then assemble into a virtual model. 

Exhibition spaces are individually scanned in full colour and with millimeter accuracy. "The scanner collects such a density of points that individual drawings are captured in photo realistic quality, every pencil mark and precisely drawn line is preserved and can be examined in minute detail", says Trossell. 

Users can explore the exhibition through the interactive Map or by design unit name. User controlled orbits allow you to view each design unit space from all angles. Detail views take you closer into the work, allowing users to pan across the models, installations and drawings. You can also search the app by student or tutor name.

All four apps are available to download now from iTunes via the links below:

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