
Institute of Archaeology


Victoria Ziegler wins Royal Archaeological Institute's Master's Dissertation Prize

15 March 2018

Congratulations to Institute student Victoria Ziegler who has been awarded the Royal Archaeological Institute's Master's Dissertation Prize for 2016-2017.

Victoria Ziegler being awarded the RAI Master's Dissertation Prize for 2016-17

Victoria studied the MA in Archaeology at the Institute as a part-time student. Her dissertation was on the topic 'From Wic to Burh: Comparing the archaeological evidence from the last phases of activity at mid Saxon sites within Lundenwic with the earliest phases of activity at late Saxon sites in Lundenburh.'

The Royal Archaeological Institute (RAI) awards a dissertation prize each year for either an undergraduate (Tony Baggs Undergraduate Dissertation Award) or Master's dissertation on a rotating basis. The prize goes to the best dissertation on a subject concerning the archaeology or architectural history of Britain, Ireland and adjacent areas of Europe. The chief criteria considered are

  • quality of work and
  • appropriateness to the interests of the RAI as reflected in the Archaeological Journal.

The winner receives £500, one year's RAI membership subscription and the opportunity for a paper based on their dissertation to be published in the Archaeological Journal.

Victoria was formally awarded her prize at the RAI on the 14 March on the occasion of the RAI Lecture given by Stephen Sherlock on The Archaeology of Large Infrastructure Projects: Roads.

Further information