
Archaeology South-East


ASE Takes Stock: Hayley Nicholls, Senior Archaeologist

28 April 2020

Not furloughed, but working from home, Hayley would usually be either directing fieldwork projects or sat in our offices, doing research and background reading, and writing reports and publications. She's had to adapt to doing the latter at home!

Hayley working from home

Current work and situation

I’m currently writing the Post Excavation-Assessment for a big fieldwork project we undertook in late 2018/ early 2019. The most exciting element is a massive ditched enclosure with an internal box rampart dating to the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age, with lots of associated internal structures, including a possible shrine.

Archaoelogists on site

Looking back on last year

My best memory was probably digging a small pit that didn’t look particularly exciting, only to find two small Roman copper-alloy bronze busts in it! We can’t talk about these yet but stay tuned for updates in the near future.

Looking forward to post-lockdown

Dreaming of a BBQ with friends on the beach when this is all over. Work wise, I’m looking forward to getting back to my old office work station, big dual monitors, lots of space and more reliable wifi... Never thought I’d miss the office so much! And of course, I miss my lovely colleagues too.