

香港六合彩中特网 Institute of the Americas


Javiera Arce Riffo

The internal organisation of political parties in South America and its effects on democracy


Dr Malu Gatto

Expected completion date: 2025

My research project focuses on what happens in the internal life of left-wing parties in South America when they achieve power, using a democratic and progressive brand. It is possible to appreciate that 鈥 when in power 鈥 these parties promote democracy and extensive rights are for citizens, but not for participants of different parties. Leaders introduce another kind of practice (non-democratic) to maintain the parties quiet while they manage political power. Those practices consist of the existence of informal institutions, which compete with formal procedures during political recruitments for internal and external elections; and recruitment based on gender-biased, which excludes women and participants from territories far from the national capitals. Conversely, it is also noticeable that the precariousness of political debate within a neoliberalist context of depoliticization, political parties usually avoid political and ideological discussions, and provide extensive space for technocrats to decide public policies. Finally, there is a considerable gap between the leftist discourse and the neoliberal public policies that some countries exhibit. In this research, three parties will be analysed: The Worker鈥檚 Party, Brazil (Partido dos Trabalhadores); The Movement Towards Socialism, Bolivia (MAS); and The Socialist Party, Chile (Partido Socialista). The three cases have been in and out of office over similar periods. As such, studying their trajectories from the re-democratization to the present would provide an assessment about whether and how exerting political power changed the employment of non-democratic parties within each case, while also offering a comparative perspective.听

Awards | Grants | Scholarships | Funding

  • Postgraduate Chilean Scholarship for Master Studies granted by the National Research and Development Agency (2013)
  • Beca Chile Scholarship for Doctoral Studies Abroad (2020)

Conference presentations and talks

  • 2016 XXXIV Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Panel: Public Policy Reforms and Institutions in Chile, track: Politics and Public Policy for the LASA 2016 Congress. Presentation: 'Reform to the Electoral Systems in Chile: A first Step for the Inclusion of Women into Politics'.
  • 2017 Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-Chile). Seminar Women in Politics: elections and protagonists in comparative perspective. Presentation: the gender quotas of the 2017 parliamentary election. Notes for an autopsy.
  • 2019 Political Analysis Argentinean Society (SAAP). Presentation in the Political Parties鈥 track 'Nondemocratic practices in the Chilean political parties: the case of Socialist Party of Chile'.
  • 2019 International IDEA and Semillas para la Democracia Foundation. Workshop for academic and political parties鈥 stakeholders: 'Public financing with gender perspective'.


Edited books:

El Estado y las Mujeres: el complejo camino hacia una necesaria transformacin de las instituciones (RIL Editores, 2018) ISBN 978-956-01-0511-0.

Articles and book chapters:

  • Javier Arce Riffo,听Julieta Su谩rez-Cao, 'La paridad de g茅nero y la lucha por una representaci贸n efectiva de las mujeres en pol铆tica', in Revista Anuario de Derecho P煤blico (Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2022)
  • Javiera Arce Riffo, 'El feminismo institucional y la Convenci贸n Constitucional chilena. Una necesaria intersecci贸n', in Brito, Sof铆a (coord.) Desaf铆os para nuestro momento constituyente (Editorial LOM, 2021)
  • Javiera Arce Riffo, 'Gender Parity in the Chilean Constitutional Convention: What Does mean for Chilean Democracy?', in Oxford Human Rights Hub. A global perspective of Human Rights (Faculty of Law, Oxford University, 2020). Access here:
  • Javiera Arce Riffo, 'Las contradicciones del mayo feminista de 2018. 鈥淟as contradicciones del mayo feminista鈥, in Revista Iberoamericana, 19, 72, ISSN: 2255-520X, 2019, 234-240, DOI/URL: 1 0.18441/ibam.19.2019.72. 223-245.
  • Javiera Arce Riffo, 'Abriendo la caja negra de los partidos pol铆ticos chilenos: expresiones de la desigualdad g茅nero en la militancia pol铆tica', in Revista Jur铆dica de Buenos Aires , 43, 97, ISSN: 0326-7431, (AbeledoPerrot S.A, 2018), 217-238, DOI/URL:
  • Javiera Arce Riffo, 'Ley de cuotas a la chilena: notas para una autopsia', in: Miranda, L. y Su谩rez-Cao, J. La pol铆tica siempre ha sido cosa de mujeres: elecciones y protagonistas en Chile y en la regi贸n. ISBN: 978956205269-6. (Santiago, FLACSO, 2018).

Book review:

驴Por qu茅 funciona el populismo?, in Revista ReCerca, Revista de Pensamient I An谩lisi. ISSN: 11306149. (Barcelona, Universitat Jaume I, 2020)


2018 | 'Informe de diagn贸stico: An谩lisis sobre las relaciones de g茅nero en la Universidad de Valpara铆so.', ISBN 978-956-214-198-7






Pontificia Universidad Cat贸lica de Chile

Mujeres en Pol铆tica en Am茅rica Latina. Para el Instituto de Ciencia Pol铆tica.


Universidad de Valpara铆so

Formulaci贸n de Pol铆ticas P煤blicas. Mag铆ster en Gobierno y Gesti贸n P煤blica.


Universidad de Valpara铆so

Seminario de Pol铆ticas P煤blicas- Escuela de Sociolog铆a


Universidad de Valpara铆so

Gesti贸n de Pol铆ticas Econ贸micas y Sociales, Mag铆ster en Gobierno y Gesti贸n P煤blica. Realizado en conjunto con Paula Quintana Mel茅ndez.

As thesis supervisor:


Universidad de Valpara铆so

Magister en Gobierno y Gesti贸n P煤blica.

鈥淪ignificados sobre la institucionalidad victimol贸gica en Chile. La Experiencia de la Red de Asistencia V铆ctimas de Valpara铆so鈥. Autora: Karin Silva Villarroel.


Universidad de Valpara铆so

Mag铆ster en Gobierno y Gesti贸n P煤blica.

鈥淢ujeres, pobreza y obesidad: el caso del programa Elige Vida Sana. La completa ausencia del enfoque de g茅nero en las pol铆ticas p煤blicas鈥. Autora: Loredana Azocar Dellepiane.


Universidad de Valpara铆so. Escuela de Sociolog铆a.

G茅nero y diversidad funcional: construcci贸n de significados en torno a la sexualidad a partir de los discursos de mujeres con diversidad funcional participantes de CIMUNIDES en 2018. Autoras: Victoria Figueroa y Daniela Mart铆nez.


Universidad de Valpara铆so- Mag铆ster en Gobierno y Gesti贸n P煤blica

鈥淎coger al amigo cuando es forastero鈥: el rol de la legislaci贸n migratoria vigente en Chile y los conflictos internos con el grupo migratorio colombiano en la comuna de Antofagasta鈥. Autor: Fernando Ignacio Navarro Bustos.


| June 14, 2021

| August 19, 2021

| September 13, 2021


  • Asociaci贸n Chilena de Ciencia Pol铆tica
  • Latin America Studies Association
  • Asociaci贸n Latinoamericana de Ciencia Pol铆tica
  • Red de Polit贸logas

Legislative experience




Designer and supporter of the political process that create the electoral formula of gender parity to the Chilean Constitutional Convention (With Julieta Su谩rez-Cao). Chile was the first country in the world with a Constitutional body with gender parity and reserved seats for indigenous people.


Designer of different amendments in the Political Parties Law reform. Those amendment were about transparency, accountability, and the promotion of women empowerment in the political parties.


Participation as a designer of amendments introduced in the Electoral Reform, which replace the Binominal Electoral System by other Moderate Proportional. In addition, I麓ve participated in the public audience in the Constitutional Court to defend the reform . Fallo del Recurso de Inconstitucionalidad presentado por un grupo de Senadores ROL: 2777-15

Political activity

  • Member of Socialist Party of Chile since 2003 to 2021.
  • Spokesperson, Presidential campaign of Sen. Yasna Provoste during the Chilean presidential elections of 2021