
Academic Manual


Core Programme Information 2020-21

Core Programme Information for 2020-21 has now been published

The Core Programme Information (CPI) standard text provides guidelines for departments when drafting student handbooks, Moodle sites etc. 

Although usually available to departments in early June, it has been released later this year due to unavoidable delays arising from the Covid-19 pandemic which has led to significant disruption to the policies and services described in the document. 

 In some cases, the situation is still very fluid. Rather than try to detail this in the Core Programme Information we have added flags for students under key sections directing them to the appropriate website for the most up-to-date information. We would advise that departments also consider disclaimers or links to departmental websites as appropriate when adding information which could be subject to change. 

The key changes to the document for 2020-21 are as follows:

  • General – module selection and examination dates have been omitted as the fluid situation with Covid-19 meant that they have not yet been set at an institutional level. Students should be referred to the appropriate web-page instead, indicated in the text. Term and college closure dates are included.
  • The Provost’s Office updated the welcome message from the President and Provost, Professor Michael Arthur (Section 1.1). 
  • New text (Section 1.2) to inform students that there may be changes to the information due to Covid-19. Students are asked to check with their departments, personal tutor etc as necessary.
  • Attendance Requirements (Section 5.3) notes that the 70% attendance requirement is suspended for the session and plans to introduce a new attendance system from Term 2.
  • New text added on academic and personal tutoring (Section 8.1).
  • New text added on Change of Module Selection (Section 9.1.4) with removal of the specific deadline dates previously included.
  • Noted that Modern Foreign Language Requirement (Section 11.2) is under review.
  • New text added to Academic Integrity (Section 12.12) clarifying the penalties for academic misconduct.
  • New text added on Information on Marking (Section 12.16) and on External Examining (Section 12.17)
  • New text added on Library Services (Section 14.1.1)
  • New text added on Inclusion Leads (Section 15.3.2), the new name for Departmental Equal Opportunities Liaison Officers (DEOLOs).
  • New text added on Employability and Careers (Section 16).  
  • New text added on Student Feedback (Section 18) and the ASER process (Section 18.4).
  • Removal of Global Citizenship Programme (formerly Section 21), which has been suspended for next year whilst under review.


Different versions are provided so that Departments can create Online Handbooks/ Moodle Sites or Print/ PDF Handbooks. 

For each, there is a ‘clean’ version, which can be used for new handbooks, and a ‘tracked’ version to help you amend existing handbooks. In the tracked versions new text is shaded yellow, deleted text is in strike-through and shaded grey.

If you have any questions about the Core Programme Information please contact academic.services@ucl.ac.uk